Think ahead Syazz!

3:42 AM iSyazz 0 Comments

"If you’re still hanging onto a dead dream YESTERDAY, laying flowers on its grave on this hour . You cannot be planting seeds for a new dream to grow today"- Joyce Chapman

Yeah it’s true tho , I have to forget the past . I mean it’s only a dream ; a dream that I should have been erased like ages ago . Besides it’s a brand new day now , so I’ve to start making my own dreams now!  Or else , I would be living in the past and I will not keep moving forward . Seriously , with each step I take , it should have been a wise step . Because once I took a wrong step , it would be a mistakes for me . It’s hard to fix the mistakes that you did , ya’know . We can't see future, but we can plan our future right ? Man , school year was so over for me . Now , I have to think ahead on what I’m gonna do after SPM . So SPM is currently over and what I’m gonna do ? Damn , I have nothing on my mind right now-yeah NOTHING . *Ya Allah , Kau bukakanlah pintu hati hambaMu ini untuk memilih jalan yang lurus dan biarlah hambaMu ini membuat keputusan yang bijak , Amin .

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