
8:40 AM iSyazz 0 Comments

Assalamualaikum wbt sahabat-2 sekalian ^.^

The time is 12:15am and yup dah malam buta tapi aku tak tido lagi. It's semester break babeyh! So biarlah macam takbiasa tidur lambat. Well, the truth is aku memang tak biasa tidur  lambat because usually masa-2 sekarang aku dah Zzz.

So what I'm up to this late at night? Heh, just browsing the internet and mengusha skin care tips. Al maklumlah muka dah start naik jerawat balik. Okay, yang itu memang aku stress. Hm STRESS gila -.-" Enough of that, so macam biasalah aku pun dok carilah idea untuk DIY projects sebab takda apa nak buat cuti ni and I got nothing. Nothing that inspires me at all. Hm, tak memberangsangkan langsung. Takboleh nak salahkan internet sebab aku pun macam takda hati nak buat arts-2 ni (at least not for now). Hm mungkin sebab aku just nak relax kan minda aku yang berserabut gila ni.

Semester 5 sangat lah TAK BEST & BEST! Don't get me wrong, both are the truth but it has been ups and downs. With all the rumors I heard, with all the prob I've got and with all the 'kerenah' I've to deal with. Macam-2 benda nak kena fikir, otaknya satu je and akal pun dikurniakan satu je. Apapun, this saying "Allah takkan uji hambaNya diluar kemampuan hambaNya" will always stay close to my heart sebab every time I've gone through bad times, I'd always say this to myself. As a motivation and as a something that will keep me away from doing something stupid if ya'know what I mean.

So as I was browsing the internet, I took few quizzes. Which I know it's a bit 'teen' thing hihi but it kinda fun tho.

So that was my "What types of learner are you?" quiz and I got : Physical!

Let's be real, it is me. Hahha memang betul pun, aku bukan seorang yang visual, solitary, verbal or apa-2 lah kan sebab apa yang aku ingat pakcik aku pun tahu aku seorang yang hands on. Which mean entahlah memang cara aku belajar pun bukan dengan cara membaca, menghafal and blahblahblah. Bagi aku, bila kita sendiri cuba buat benda tu, kita sendiri akan faham. 

Let me get this straight. Cooking. Kalau aku seorang yang visual, cara aku belajar memasak mungkin dengan memerhati cara Ibu aku masak or tengok and belajar kat YT and then try sendiri, kan? Tapi tak, aku bukan macam tu sebab kalau setakat perhati aku takboleh kot nampak benda tu unless aku sendiri yang cuba. Just gimme the cook book or lemme watch that damn YT and I'll try it. The result may be good and may not be good but guess what.. At least I tried and I'll definitely learn from the mistakes that I made, aite?

P/s: I don't trust on visual because sometimes it can trick ya! :)


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